Never Lose Your Belongings : Smial's QR Code Smart Service for Item Retrieval

When to use Smial?

When you travel


Losing your belongings while traveling is a common experience.

We are often surrounded by new stimuli, unfamiliar environments and exciting activities. This can be distracting and cause us to lose sight of our belongings. We are less attentive to our personal items, which increases the risk of misplacing or forgetting them somewhere.

Travel often involves a change of routine and environment. We are likely to stay in different accommodations, use different forms of transportation, and visit many tourist sites. These changes can make it difficult to maintain a tight organization, which can lead to lost items.

Traveling can be stressful and tiring, especially when it involves long trips, time differences and busy itineraries. Stress and fatigue can affect our alertness and ability to care for our belongings. We may be more likely to misplace them or leave them behind without realizing it.

To minimize the loss of your belongings while traveling, it is recommended that you take certain precautionary measures, such as keeping your valuables safe, using Smial identification tags or PVC cards on your luggage, making copies of your important documents, and staying alert in public places.

Thanks to our different supports equipped with a QR Code and texts in French and English, the person who finds your object can easily contact you via one of the communication modes that you will have defined for each object.

See our supports for objects

When you take your children to busy public spaces


Crowded places such as shopping malls, amusement parks, beaches, train stations, airports and sporting events can be places where children can easily get lost. The crowds and excitement can be disorienting, and they can become separated from their parents or caregivers.

Children can be easily distracted by activities, games, toys, animals or other interesting things around them. This can cause them to wander away from their parents or get lost.

Children are naturally eager to explore and may be drawn to new and exciting places. They may wander off to satisfy their curiosity and end up getting lost.

Young children may have difficulty understanding and remembering directions, street names or geographical signs. They can become easily disoriented and have trouble finding their way around.

To prevent your child from getting lost, consider putting a Smial emergency bracelet on their wrist. Made of Velcro, easily adjustable, very resistant and equipped with a red PVC card to attract attention, the person who finds your child will be able to contact you easily and obtain essential medical information in case of accident.

See bracelets for kids
A Smial solution for every situation!

Our service is easy to use and has 3 subscription levels:

Freemium : our free subscription with basic features.

Essential : essential features with 10% discount on our shop and one free welcome pack.

Premium : all features, up to 4 users for a single subscription, 20% discount on our shop and two free welcome packs.

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When you or your loved ones play sports


When practicing a sport, different types of accidents can occur with more or less serious consequences depending on the type of injury caused and the location. And sometimes emergency services must intervene to help the injured person.

It is important for emergency services to know the medical history of the person they are rescuing. The medical history provides valuable information about pre-existing medical conditions, allergies, regular medications and specific health problems. This information can influence treatment decisions and emergency interventions.

Some people may have severe allergies to medications, foods, insect bites or other substances. Emergency services should be informed of this in order to avoid the administration of potentially dangerous substances.

People with pre-existing medical conditions, such as diabetes, high blood pressure, epilepsy, asthma, or heart problems, may require specific care or emergency medications. Emergency departments need to be aware of these conditions to ensure appropriate management.

Some medications require continuous administration to maintain medical stability. If a person is unable to take their regular medications due to an emergency situation, emergency services must be informed to assess and manage the situation appropriately.

A person’s medical history, such as previous surgeries, severe reactions to specific treatments, or complex medical conditions, can influence treatment decisions and precautions during an emergency response.

To facilitate the communication of this vital information, it is recommended that individuals carry a medical ID card, medical ID bracelet, or mobile health app that can quickly provide the necessary information to healthcare professionals.

With Smial’s emergency bracelets or stickers, protect your family athletes by giving emergency personnel access to vital information about their health.

See our solutions to protect your loved ones

When you lend your stuff


When you lend your stuff, it often goes out of your mind. Then, just when you need it, you realize that you can’t find it. Did you lose it? Did you lend it to someone? Sometimes a lot of time may have passed and your memory fails you.

This applies to books, DVDs, tools, a bike rack for a car, or any other object.

Why didn’t your friend return your item? Sometimes friends simply forget to return a loaned item. They may leave it somewhere without realizing it, or they may confuse it with their own things, which can lead to its loss. If your friend is disorganized or tends to misplace their own things frequently, they may have trouble keeping track of what they borrowed from you. In this case, there is a greater chance that the item will get lost.

Sometimes, a friend may not value the loaned item as much as you do. They may not care if they lose it, or they may not take the necessary steps to find it.

Thanks to Smial you can put QR codes that will allow the person to whom you lent the object to know who he borrowed it from. You will also be able to set a reminder at a specific date and time to remember that you have lent this object and thus remember to get it back.

See our solutions for objects
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